

At Plastic Surgery Center of Duluth, our aesthetic services come with medical expertise. That means our treatments are done using top-of-the-line products and the best care.  Our aesthetic services that refresh and revive, but also combat the effects of aging. Feel beautiful in your skin.

Skin Care Consultations

One of the best ideas for your skin’s future is to schedule a skin care consultation.

Just like every part of you, your skin is unique. As you grow older, it changes and ages. Board-certified Dr. Edgar Saldaña and his licensed esthetician can analyze problematic skin areas and how to treat them. One consultation can help you understand your unique skin and how to protect it throughout the rest of your life. The Plastic Surgery Center of Duluth offers a range of skin care procedures and products to combat undesired skin conditions, issues, and wear. You should feel comfortable in your skin, today and tomorrow. 

Set up a skin consultation with Dr. Edgar Saldaña and his team today.

Chemical Peel

Plastic Surgery Center of Duluth has aesthetic services such as chemical peels with different levels of chemical skin types for different skin types and skin conditions.

Chemical peels combats a range of issues that impact your face and body. It works by applying a chemical mix to typically the face, neck, or hands. It deeply exfoliates the skin and after a certain amount of time peeling occurs. This removes the top and sometimes the middle layer of skin. What’s left? A new, smoother layer, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. 

Our ZO® 3-Step Peel is a powerfully effective method of treating fine lines, sun damage, dull skin, melasma, acne, and uneven texture concerns. This chemical peel is an innovative, in-office treatment peel followed by an at-home treatment to combat the signs of aging and skin discoloration. 

For an even deeper peel, we offer Blue peels or Phenol-Croton peels that combat very sun damaged, aged skin. 

Our ZO® Stimulator peel, or Lunchtime peel, helps with fine lines, rough skin texture, dull skin, and brightens skin tone. 

Chemical peels are used to treat a variety of skin troubles, such as acne, sun damage, wrinkles, scarring, and hyperpigmentation. Contact our team today to set up your consultation.


We offer a wide range of facial options for a range of skin types.

Whether you have dry or oily skin, we have a facial to fit. You deserve a relaxing moment to rejuvenate your skin and well-being. Our team provides the best in facial skin care. 

We offer the following facials: 

iS Clinical®: Fire & Ice Facial

The iS Clinical Fire & Ice Resurfacing facial is a rejuvenating treatment with no need for downtime. It bridges the gap between a mild facial and an invasive peel. This facial is designed to resurface the skin, treat problematic skin, reduce fine lines, and encourage cellular renewal. 

Dermaplane Facial 

Bothered by constantly dry skin? This facial will restore hydration and a glow to compromised and fatigued skin. Using essential vitamins, patent antioxidants, and curative hydrators, it promotes optimum circulation, energy, and overall skin health.

Set up a consultation.

Medical Grade Skin Care Products

We carry several select medical grade skin care products.

From treatments for acne to anti-aging creams, we provide products you can trust. We carry exclusive skincare products such as Revision Skincare®, iS Clinical®, ZO® Skin Health, and Latisse®. 

iS Clinical® – iS creates clinically validated skincare products that deliver dramatic visible improvements to the skin.

Latisse® – LATISSE® is an FDA-approved treatment to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate or not enough lashes.

Revision Skincare® – This skincare company believes in providing youthful-looking skin without compromising skin health. 

ZO® Skin Health – ZO® provides a comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining healthy skin for anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, unique skin condition or skin type.


CO2 Lift

Set up an appointment today. 

SkinPen & Skinpen with PRP

At Plastic Surgery Center of Duluth, we offer SkinPen treatments, or microneedling.

Acne, wrinkles, and stretch marks can plummet our confidence and lifestyle.  SkinPen creates controlled micro-injuries to stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process, while minimizing cellular damage. The result is effective remodeling of scar tissue, while keeping the overall structure of the skin intact. This is a great treatment for fine lines, and acne scarring. This process can diminish these nuisance skin issues and make you feel radiant. Ready for better skin? Contact us today for a consultation.

BBL Treatments

Addressing your most common skin concerns with the power of light. 

The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the largest areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This corrective process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it cleaner, smoother, vibrant, and younger-looking.

BBL allows your clinician to treat age spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions.

BBL stimulates cells to regenerate, and typically with the first treatment, you will start to see smoother, more even, and vibrant skin. The photothermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin that produces age and sunspots. Your skin will feel smoother, pores will be less noticeable, and uneven pigmentation will fade.

BBL can be the foundation for and use in conjunction with all other BBL treatments.


Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper laters to the skin, tissues of the face and body can be remodeled to reveal a more radiant youthful appearance. Contact us today for a consultation.


Time to up your skin care routine…MOXI is the easy way to “prejuvenate” your skin.
Moxi is the latest way to REVITALIZE AND REFRESH your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving tone and texture.

Moxi comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love the fact that this lunchtime procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year.

People of all skin types can combat the signs of aging year-round… Get your Moxi today!

Fast and easy. Low-to-no downtime.
Comfortable treatments, may require anesthetic cream
SIMPLE post care, stay out of the sun
24 HOURS post treatment makeup can be applied

Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Moxi delivers fractionated laser energy to create micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. Moxi is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal.

How comfortable is the treatment?
Depending on the level of treatment provided, most patients find the treatment well tolerated. Your practitioner may use cooling air and recommend numbing cream to help ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

How long does it take to see results?
Results vary depending on your treatment goals. For the day following your treatment, your skin may appear red and, depending on your level of treatment, you may see the small micro dots called mendz where the laser was applied. As the micro zones heal, they will darken and feel rough. Between days 3-5, the mendz will slough off, revealing the renewed skin beneath.

What is the post care?
Because this is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, the post care regimen is simple. Wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

How many treatments will I need?
This will depend on your treatment goals and level of damage. Most patients receive 3-4 corrective treatments, then often will sign up for regular maintenance treatments throughout the year.

Love your skin by adding a MOXI treatment to your regular skin care maintenance routine.

Evoke and Evolve

What is Evoke? 
Evoke is an innovative non-invasive solution designed specifically to target facial tissue. It is a quick and easy non-surgical alternative to remodel your face, neck, and jawline. 

What is Evolve? 
Evolve is a non-invasive hands free procedure specifically designed to remodel multiple body areas to improve the appearance of your skin.  
This treatment will help improve skin and treat fat.